Welcome to
the Coremetrix
Developer hub

At Coremetrix, our team of in-house psychologists specializes in crafting psychometric quizzes designed to provide insightful assessments. These quizzes, tailored to your specific risk and portfolio needs, can be seamlessly integrated into your platform via redirects from your website, email, or SMS. Upon completion of the quiz, predictive models generate scores, which are instantly accessible through our Webhooks or API.

It's important to note that Coremetrix prioritizes privacy and data security. We do not collect any Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Instead, we utilize a Persistent Unique Identifier (puid) It's important to note that Coremetrix prioritizes privacy and data security. We do not collect any Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Instead, we utilize a Persistent Unique Identifier puid It's important to note that Coremetrix prioritizes privacy and data security. We do not collect any Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Instead, we utilize a Persistent Unique Identifier

At Coremetrix, our predictive models are engineered to anticipate real-world financial scenarios, ranging from the likelihood of a borrower defaulting on a loan to the probability of an insurance customer filing an at-fault claim.

Our methodology leverages established scorecards, predominantly logistic regression for binary outcome prediction, as a foundation. However, we go beyond conventional approaches by integrating advanced machine learning techniques. This allows us to refine segmentation strategies and create more sophisticated features, thereby enhancing the predictive power of our models.

Furthermore, our risk scoring system adheres to a standardized scale. Each increment of 20 points on this scale corresponds to a doubling of odds (Good/Bad), with 200 points representing equal odds of 1 to 1.

Unlock real-time insights into risk scores and stay informed about key events with Coremetrix's comprehensive API and webhook capabilities. Refer to our API Documentation for detailed information.

Environment Details

Our API operates in two distinct environments: production and staging..


Note: For non-live quiz attempts on the production environment, ensure the inclusion of "test" in the puid. These attempts are scored but not directly accessible via the API.

Integration Options

Our REST API offers versatile integration options, allowing you to retrieve Coremetrix information in real-time or in batches. Detailed descriptions of each integration method are provided below. Choose the option that best aligns with your requirements.

Event Notifications via Webhooks

Stay up to date with crucial events by subscribing to real-time notifications via Coremetrix webhooks. Our system can notify your backend when specific events occur, providing you with timely updates and ensuring seamless integration with your existing processes.

Obtaining API Key

Gain access to our API and retrieve risk scores by obtaining an API key. Please contact us to request your unique API key.
